Monday, September 27, 2010

Fashion In Magazines

Hello, hello readers. 

We have to talk! Let's talk about something what has been on my mind for quite awhile. 
Czech High Fashion. I never was one of these kids who went to Prague Fashion Week, but my mother made me to watch lame Czech version of some American Fashion TV News, and yes I have been watching these shows since I was able to understand what T-Shirt is. And as I got older... Not by much, I started to buy fashion magazines. I wasn't a big fan of Bravo girl or whatever it was, since the paper quality was really low and even without my photoshop education yet, I was horrified by their retouching. And one day it happened. First CosmoGirl came out, first magazine with at least comparable quality to my mother's magazines. I was having a blast and enjoyed every fashion spread in it. And no lies I was standing every month in Newspaper shop with money I had to beg for, just to buy new amazing issue. My mom just had to censure (by that I mean glue or rip out) the sex pages since it was inappropriate for my age... and believe me or not, she was doing it till I was 14. Like we didn't have internet, silly parents.
So as I was getting older, I stopped buying CosmoGirl and started to read magazines more for my age (yes I was still like 15)... Elle. It was good for me, since my mother and sister  have been buying it and I didn't have to buy it by myself. Well Ok... I'm fast reader (just magazines, even I love books, they take a little bit more) so it took me a day, and I got bored of it. But time to time I looked for fashion inspiration. After a year, I thought I'm in another level of education than my mother (I studied a fancy art school, which I loved very much) and I thought I am very sophisticated (teenager in Prague, living in a dorm, studying art? Not good combination) and I started to read political magazines, not that I was reading all articles. Well than I went through times when I was reading art magazines only etc. Now I don't read any of them. I just decided not to spend my missing money on something I don't want to keep. So I got my internet connection ready and started to read american vogue on the internet, well it's not exactly reading, but so what. And I started to follow some fashion blogs, art blogs, design blogs, food blogs, make-up blogs, hair style blogs, sport blogs and you know... I really just go through what I want to know and it doesn't cost me anything. One thing I can't deny to fashion magazines... their gifts...

 By the time my mothers fashion magazine mania, I collected some very pretty things. I got some ugly scarfs, some nice scarfs, some little make-up bags, what ended up in the trash because my mom brought better from work (who wouldn't want YSL bag over Max Factor, right?), I don't know what all I got, but it was quite few and you know what? Some of them were really good quality, even, it's a magazine gift for "free".  Well but now I want to get to the point of post today. 
 Last issue of Elle CZ offered a pretty big deal... T-shirt from Jakub Polanka, who's something like "hot stuff" designer over here. Well except the fact he's a handsome guy, I never got into his creations, but maybe comparing him with the rest of top fashion designers he does do things differently. Well I don't want to sound hateful, we have some pretty good fashion designers, but the problem here is, that we are still talking about small businesses. Nobody ever have done something like other great fashion designers did, well maybe except Baťa, but that was First Republic, by that time we were the most developed country in the old continent, unfortunately this amazing time lasted just for 9 years. It was between wars. Back to topic. My mom of course bought this magazine and gave me the t-Shirt. I have to say, for the first impression, it looks kind of cool... for the second and maybe not the one everyone would judge, but I do since I'm learning how to sew and I'm watching Project Runway (I feel so critical after that, I would really just judge everyone). Let me ask you question (and I would be really happy if you would answer to that in comments), what would you expect of getting from the best fashion designer in country 2010? 
 I would expect some quality, since it's a gift from designer and I would expect him to represent his brand. Not in the case of Jakub Polanka. First what I noticed, T-shirt was made in China. Not a big deal, I told myself. Lot of things are made in China, right? Second... the material is Rayon. It's one of the cheapest fabrics, and even it has some good qualities like it's draping, it also has bad qualities, it shrinks and has static issues... I don't even have to mention, that I actually got little electric shock and could hear cracking sounds as I was taking the t-shirt off. Rayon is made of cellulose, which sounds like a natural material, but the process how to make a fiber from cellulose is so chemically complicated that Rayon is considered as a synthetic fabric. Now to the design. 

I know now the last season was super popular this horrible 80's mode, but as I well researched, it won't take long and the next season will be very girly and very female. Shouldn't be fashion designer ahead a little bit? I like the idea of using this tee as a canvas and finishing the words, but that's about it. Now how it's actually made. Seams are literary falling apart, because they weren't finished and "locked", there are no hems, which is OK, it's part of design, I just hate these curly unfinished garments. When I am sewing, the most important thing for me is, that the parts actually fit to each other and there is not one of them longer or shorter... Not for mister Polanka... The front piece is longer than the back one, so it doesn't sit as it should and nobody even bothered to cut it. 
Why to do so, when it's curled right? I see another point, two seams have been sewed by this blue (my color as you know) thread, which I can see it as a designers intention, but WHY? I mean we can't actually see it until we turn the t-shirt on the wrong side, so is it just a hidden surprise? You might disagree with me, based on this was mass produced t-shirt for magazine. I get it, but my question is, should be top fashion designer sign under such a poorly made t-shirt? Maybe in Czech Republic.

Well I wrote enough today... I'm on my way to dream about someone who will actually raise the level of fashion here...
At least I got nice t-shirt for my upcoming drawing classes at VŠUP.

Love T.

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Saturday, September 25, 2010

My Little Night Rhapsody

I haven't had such a hard time to fall asleep in a long time. Suddenly I feel emotional and I have to think of what all happened in my life and how fast it goes. I used to love get up very early in the morning watching sunrise, when I was a small girl and actually I still do love that... Week ago it happened I got up early and on my window was this amazing pattern with absolutely gorgeous light and to be honest, it made my eyes watery. Maybe I'm gonna stay up just for the morning beauty... 

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Blues...

Holla readers. 

So summer is leaving us for good, well at least until next year, and I haven't talked much about what I've actually done during the summer. So except all traveling and enjoying myself, I actually practiced my knitting and sewing skills. I want to post pictures of what I've sewed so far, but I will be honest with you, I don't have any yet. So I guess I have to collect all my products and do little photoshoot for you guys because I would love to show you. (Well and I also have to finally put it on my BurdaStyle profile)
But let's talk about what I have and I'm able to present.

As you know, I got that beautiful electric blue dress I wrote about before. Thanks to that, blue became my favorite color for this summer. Last year I visited Greece and it's perfect they have this color on their flag. It's a blue styled country. I would love to share some pictures but I accidentally deleted them and I have only ones on facebook. Anyway I got these two pictures as a memory and believe me I haven't seen funnier old people. 

So they are sitting on my closet, watching me and making me laugh. Cute, huh?
Anyway when I was in Canada I bought myself yarns, just in case I was bored and my color choice was this amazing greek blue color, which makes me happy every time I take needles in my hands. It took me two months to get the cable knitted scarf into stage how it looks now, but unfortunately it's still not done and I will surprise you with the length and final design. 

To add something, when I was in Montreal with Rob, we had to make decision about colors we want to paint his apartment. Try to guess what color we got for bedroom... BENTLEY BLUE!!!

And now back at home, my daddy asked me if I could sew him some little bags for dry lavender flowers.
(We have herbal garden since herb became passion in my family)
So I was looking for some fabric I could use and I found this blue vintage plead fabric with little red/white flowers. My mother probably bought it in 80's and used it for some horrible blouse for my sister and of course I had to wear it as well. Nothing better than use it for cute little bags, with natural rope... what do you think?

So I guess that's all from me for today. 

Let me know what do you think!


P.S. Check out new blog about my running adventure... for english version click here and for the czech one here!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Big Thanks To...

Dear readers.

14 days ago I realized what a bad blogger I've been. Didn't post for almost two months? That's unacceptable. I really do apologize and let me to fix it right now. 

As you probably know, I was enjoying my time in Canada, because I had to live every moment till the end. 
I created a nice home with my love, I was spending time with my most favorite family in the world and also trying to enjoy friends. Well and now I'm back... In Czech Republic, where my days now are mostly about sewing, knitting, preparing for school and already missing my summer. 

But what is my point today? I want to thank all my special friends in Canada! Josie and Tomáš, because they always are my family in the other side of ocean, Bryan and Al for invitation to their absolutely amazing wedding and all the fun we had in Canada's Wonderland, Rob's Mom for being so nice and warm to me, Kylie and her amazing family, for having me for absolutely fantastic afternoon, Candice for being so friendly and nice to me and making up the party, Christopher for all the fun BBQs and mostly for helping us move to Montreal and being VERY PATIENT with us, Tom, Ivana,Graeme, Aleš, Jan, Sergey, Kseniya, Tyler, Martina, Lukáš, Jasmin, Jason, Dave for being such a great friends to hang out. And MOSTLY I want to thank my dear Rob, for being such an amazing man, partner and real support to me. I love you my dearest...

So as a little reminder to me and some sneak peak for you, here you are some pictures from my trip.

Pictures are courtesy of me and RG
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